Music Magazine Planning Stages
The picture above shows the first stages of planning in my music magazine. I've used a picture of Beyonce on my main cover which I will try to replicate using my own images and models to create a strong main image for my magazine. At the moment, my magazine is called Pop although i think i will more than likely change this name as i don't feel it is a strong enough title for a music magazine.
As my magazine will be aged towards teenage girls, i think it's important to include lots of poster and visual images for the audience to enjoy whether that means posters of the hot new boy band or musicians they many aspire to be like.
I feel that it is a really strong and powerful image that will look great on a music magazine of possibly a pop/indie genre.
When taking my own photos, I'm going to use this image has a huge influence for my own pictures although i will be very careful not to copy the image exactly due to plagiarism. Instead of using a Union Jack cover on the lips of my model, i am going to try and create something else which will make her stand out. For example, I may use coloured contact lenses to get the eyes to really stand out or alternativly edit her eyes so they are bright and bold.
At the moment, i have named my magazine M- the initial of music.
I quite like this name as it is short, bold and as it is written in a large font, so it stands out to the audiences who are potentially buying the magazine.
Underneath the masthead, i've added Best of British Magazine. I hope that this would attract patriotic audiences as they may want to see the current musicians of the country.
I have various different sells lines such as who else is in the magzine and a quote from the cover artist Jessie J. When designing the front cover, i will probably add more sell lines as most magazines are often very crowded and full of sell lines to attract the audience.